Landscape, Wildlife, and Travel Photography

Fall in Rocky Mountain National Park

Last weekend was prime time for colors and elk bugling in Rocky Mountain National Park.  I spent two days there photographing (and listening to) the elk as well as the changing aspens.  The weather was about perfect and while the peak color may have come a few days earlier than normal this year, my timing couldn’t have been better.  The crowds can be significant, especially on the weekends, but it only takes an alpine start and willingness to go where the majority of the tourists are not to find solitude.   (more…)


AHS Annual Report Cover

This past summer I went on a weeklong volunteer vacation through the American Hiking Society.  We reconstructed about 3/4 mile of trail in Hells Canyon, Oregon.  While taking photos wasn’t my main job, I did bring the camera along and captured a few shots for AHS.  In addition to utilizing the images on their Facebook page, they chose the image below for their report cover and an additional image for an interior page. (more…)


Moscow Artwalk

A little late, but thank you to everyone who came out to the Moscow Artwalk earlier this summer.  I was impressed with the amount of foot traffic, especially on such a rainy night!  I truly appreciated all the positive feedback and kind words. (more…)


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