Wherever I have lived, there has always been that go-to spot for photography – my default option when nothing else seemed that appealing, or when I was just lazy and wanted to visit the familiar.
In Pullman, WA it was Steptoe Butte. In San Francisco, CA it was the Golden Gate Bridge.
Now, living in Denver, CO, the recently redeveloped Union Station, the historic train station, has become my default spot (it helps that I pass through there almost daily).
While always photogenic, in my mind its holiday lighting really makes it pop.

Shooting at dusk or late evening allows for great long exposure photography options as the cars and trains come and go.

For my fellow photographers: Union Station offers numerous photographic options on both exterior faces, the train canopy, and even inside. Be aware, however, that tripods are not allowed inside the station or outside under the canopy, so you may have to get creative (or sneaky – your preference). Flash photography is also prohibited. In short, anything beyond your actual camera is likely to draw attention. Permits aren’t required if you’re just shooting for yourself (and for non-commercial purposes). Otherwise, you may need one.
If you’re not familiar with Union Station, or its recent transformation, check out the case study here. And better yet, next time you’re in Denver, take the train from the airport direct to Union Station to experience it firsthand.
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