Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado (VOC) normally hosts local artists several times a year at their offices in Washington Park, Denver, including public viewings. In 2018, VOC hosted one such show for me and at the start of 2020 they kindly invited me back to do another show later this year.
And then, well, you know…
So, after regrouping after a hectic spring, we agreed to experiment with a virtual show. While this means you cannot see the photos in person, it does mean I can offer a lot more photos (and in different sizes) for sale as I’m not limited by wall space. Last time, I displayed 16 prints. This time I’m offering 63.
All selected photos have a Colorado or a broader public lands in the west connection (or both!), befitting of VOC and their mission.
And same as last time, 25% of sales be donated to VOC!
Both VOC and myself thank you for your support!
And be sure to follow VOC (website, Instagram, Facebook) for more artist features and shows in the future!
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