Landscape, Wildlife, and Travel Photography


Not all newsletters can be Antarctica… (though, I could have done like five more).

In this newsletter, I share photos much closer to home. As anyone who has followed this newsletter over the years will know, Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge in the northeast of Denver is a regular photography location for me. On a recent visit, I had planned to photograph the bison in the snow, but instead ended up focusing on the birds. Two Northern Harrier Hawks were actively hunting and provided plenty of photo opportunities on this rather gray day. Both were juveniles (maybe females) based on their color and unfortunately, for the birds and myself, I never saw them successfully capture prey during my short time with them.

All photos from February 2024.

A hark takes flight.
A hawk taking flight.
A hawk swoops in over the ground.
A hawk scans the ground.
A hawk turns and looks toward the camera.

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