
Chinatown, Singapore

A visit to Chinatown in Singapore. I spent a morning there and did a walking tour with a guide whose family grew up there. Hearing her story from the living conditions of when she grew up there to what it’s like today was interesting to say the least. From explaining government housing (fun fact: earlier buildings had clothesline outside their windows but the govt decided that didn’t communicate the right perception so the later buildings didn’t have them) to trying local foods (nothing like starting the day with a spicy dish that I can’t tell you what it was), it was a great morning and reminder of why it’s sometimes best to hire a local guide.

All photos from April 2024.

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One Comment

  • Chod Pa on Sep 23, 2024

    What wonderful memories you brought back for me – as I’d lived in Singapore for around 10 years. It almost feels like a dream now.

    The Buddha Tooth Relic temple is quite an amazing temple. Whilst it’s stunningly ornate there are always people there practicing deeply. It’s not just tourists.

    And then the relic itself on the top floor.

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