Landscape, Wildlife, and Travel Photography

First shots in my new city

We’re still settling in our new city, San Francisco, but I’ve already been able to get out and explore. So far that has largely meant the more “touristy” shots, but it’s always a fun challenge to capture even what has been done before, and perhaps put your own twist on it. (more…)

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Proving it’s not the camera

People often see the “professional” camera (i.e. large DSLR body) and assume that’s what creates great photos. Indeed, a good sensor, optics, and so on certainly helps, but it does nothing for the idea captured or the composition. (more…)


AHS #Giving Tuesday

I recently posted about about the American Hiking Society using one of my photos for their annual report cover.  Recently they asked to use a few additional photos for their #Giving Tuesday promotion, and of course I said yes.  The photos, along with a short interview they conducted with me, appeared on their website, Facebook, and newsletters.

I hope to have more opportunities to collaborate with them in the future. (more…)


AHS Annual Report Cover

This past summer I went on a weeklong volunteer vacation through the American Hiking Society.  We reconstructed about 3/4 mile of trail in Hells Canyon, Oregon.  While taking photos wasn’t my main job, I did bring the camera along and captured a few shots for AHS.  In addition to utilizing the images on their Facebook page, they chose the image below for their report cover and an additional image for an interior page. (more…)


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