Landscape, Wildlife, and Travel Photography
Dealing with crowds: 8 Tips
With so many people and structures around, to really focus on the Brooklyn Bridge, I chose my 70-200mm lens, stood back further, and shot through a tree to frame the bridge, provide some depth, and exclude everything else in the foreground.

Dealing with crowds: 8 Tips

Photographing in large cities and popular tourist areas can cause frustrations – people wandering in front of you, too many people in a scene, the “action” not occurring when/where you would like, etc. In many ways, it’s like the urban equivalent of wildlife photography!

So how do you embrace such challenges? Read on for 8 strategies to overcome crowds. (more…)


Fly Fishing on the South Platte River

I don’t fish, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like going fishing. In particular I enjoy fly fishing as it’s generally more active and engaging, especially if you’re not the one actually fishing. From a photography standpoint, the cool casting and constant movement doesn’t hurt either. (more…)


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