‘Tis the season for wildflowers here in Colorado. The timing and quality of the show wildflowers put on will vary yearly, based on such things as how wet of a winter and spring we had, temperature, and other variables. Blooms start earlier at lower elevations (May/June) and gradually move up in elevation as the summer goes on and alpine meadows melt out (July/Aug).
Below are a few taken this year on various hikes. All fun facts (well, most) are from the website Colorado’s Wildflowers.
Fun fact: Colombines turns white with age. If you see a white colombine, you will know it has been blooming for over 25 years.
Fun fact: I took a similar photo three years ago.
Fun fact #2: Sometimes they can be seen as more white than purple or blue (as seen a little bit here).
Fun fact: Most Indian paintbrushes are semi-parasitic, their roots establishing connections with roots of other species to leech nutrients.
Fun fact: They are actually not a marigold, but are part of the Buttercup family.
Fun fact: They are very patient while I’m laying in meadows taking photos.
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