Late winter is always is “go” time for me – the days are growing longer and it won’t be long until the snow melts and my opportunity for winter photography has passed for the season. With each new snow, I more anxiously plan and work to get outside in the right location at the right time.
Photographing in winter, and snow specifically, can have such a short window with each storm. Go in the midst of it and there may be too much snow falling to see anything. Go too far after it has stopped, and it could be tracked over, fallen off trees or structures, or even melted away.
The photos here are from two such late-season outings. One from Rocky Mountain National Park and one of the bison at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge.
(And to think, I almost made it through the winter without sharing photos of bison in snow.)

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Trekking in Morocco
17 Jul 2022amazing and it’s a dream to explore it one day! Thank you for the informations